Harlan 强力霉素饲料 Doxycycline diets

Harlan 强力霉素饲料 Doxycycline diets


Doxycycline diets

Envigo Teklad diets makes a variety of doxycycline containing diets for your Tet regulated systems. TD.01306 with doxycycline hyclate added at 625 mg/kg to Teklad global 2018 rodent diet is stocked and can typically ship within 1 – 2 days (non-irradiated) or 1 – 2 weeks (irradiated). Diets are easily customizable. Custom specifications include: base diet, concentration of doxycycline, and food coloring. Contact us to discuss your needs if you don’t find a suitable option below.


Formula examples with Teklad global 2018 base diet
Doxycycline hyclate1 USP (mg/kg diet) Natural color Alternatives with food coloring
mg per kg diet
46 TD.10483 TD.180327 Red
TD.120240 Blue
100 TD.04233 TD.130840 Blue
200 TD.00502 TD.180625 Red
TD.150431 Blue
TD.04104 Green
625 TD.01306
TD.08541 Red
TD.120769 Blue
TD.09628 Green
1000 TD.05298 TD.06294 Red
TD.120658 Blue
2000 TD.05512 TD.140011 Red
TD.09633 Green
6000 TD.01533

1 Doxycycline hyclate is ~87% doxycycline
2 TD.01306 typically ships within 2 days non-irradiated or 2 weeks with irradiation

Considerations when choosing a base diet

    • Teklad Global Rodent Diets® like 2018 do not contain alfalfa and are thus ideal if your work requires an alfalfa-free diet for fluorescent imaging, If further imaging clarity is needed, we can make purified diets with doxycycline.
    • Teklad global 2018 (base diet in examples above) contains a moderate amount of soybean meal, a source of phytoestrogens. The table below includes several options of minimal phytoestrogen diets with the most common doxycycline concentration of 625 mg/kg diet. For other concentrations contact us. For additional phytoestrogen information, see our list of phytoestrogen references.
Examples of minimal phytoestrogen global rodent diets with doxycycline hyclate1 at 625 mg/kg diet
Base diet Natural color Alternatives with food coloring
mg per kg diet
2014 TD.00426 TD.07382 Red
TD.07573 Yellow
2016 TD.02503 TD.140263 Blue
TD.170364 Red
2019 TD.09651 TD.09761 Green
2020 TD.110720 TD.130141 Red

1 Doxycycline hyclate is ~87% doxycycline

Advantages of diet delivery of doxycycline

  • Typically the same doxycycline concentration can be used in diet as in water. Lower concentrations of doxycycline may be adequate with 625 mg/kg diet being the most common concentration.
  • Diet offers protection from light. Water may have to be given in dark-colored or foil-wrapped bottles
  • Diet is typically changed once per week. Water may need to be changed every few days
  • Diet delivery may also reduce risk of dehydration and preclude the need to give with sucrose (Cawthorne et. al. 2007)

Key planning information

  • Minimum order quantity is 3 kg, sufficient for feeding ~20 mice for one month
  • Store diet refrigerated and plan to use within six months
  • Typical lead time is two weeks (four weeks if irradiated)
    • TD.01306 typically ships within 2 days non-irradiated or 2 weeks with irradiation
  • Irradiation (20 – 50 kGy) is optional, and must be requested at time of order

Safe handling of doxycycline diets

  • Doxycycline is a tetracycline class antibiotic.
  • Usual dose for therapeutic effects in humans is 100-200 mg/day. Doxycycline diets for rodents typically contain ~2 mg/pellet.
  • Accidental doxycycline exposure can be minimized by using typical lab precautions of lab coat, gloves, and mask when handling the diet.
  • Your chemical safety department should be contacted for additional institution specific guidelines for handling and disposal of doxycycline containing diets.


  • 典型的多西环素浓度可以用于饮食和水。低浓度的多西环素可能足够,625毫克/千克的饮食是最常见的浓度。
  • 饮食能保护身体免受光线伤害。水可能必须用深色或铝箔包装的瓶子浇水。
  • 饮食通常每周改变一次。水可能需要每隔几天更换一次。
  • 饮食供应也可以减少脱水的风险,并避免需要给予蔗糖(考索恩等)。艾尔。(2007年)


  • 最小订货量为3公斤,足以喂养20只小鼠一个月。
  • 储存冷冻饮食,并计划在六个月内使用。
  • 典型的准备时间为两周(如果经过辐照,则为四周)
    • TD.01306通常在未经辐照的2天内或在辐照的2周内装运。
  • 辐射(20-50 kGy)是可选的,必须按顺序要求。


  • 强力霉素是四环素类抗生素。
  • 人体治疗效果的一般剂量为每天100至200毫克。用于啮齿动物的多西环素饮食通常含有~2毫克/粒。
  • 当处理饮食时,使用典型的实验室预防措施,如实验室外套、手套和口罩,可以将多西环素意外暴露量降到最低。
  • 您的化学安全部门应联系,以获得额外的机构特定的指导方针,以处理和处置多西环素的饮食。

Harlan饲料问与答 Diet FAQs

Harlan饲料问与答 Diet FAQs


Standard Natural Ingredient Diets

A more complete name would be Standard Natural Ingredient Diets. These diets are manufactured in large quantities (at least 2 tons) and stocked at one or more Envigo Teklad distribution centers. Standard natural ingredient diets are readily available and can generally be delivered within a few days after an order is placed. These diets primarily contain grains (corn, wheat), legumes (soybean meal) and to a lesser extent ingredients such as fish meal, and meat and bone meal. Standard natural ingredient diets include Global and Traditional diets and are available Irradiated and/or Certified.

Using standardized fixed formulas and ingredients purchased under the same stringent specifications in the United States and Europe, Envigo’s unique Teklad Global Diets Program provides nutritional consistency to national and multinational companies for their worldwide research, maximizing global study uniformity. Global Diets have the same product names in all countries. The Global Rodent diets have lower protein levels than most traditional diets and are formulated free of alfalfa with zero or modest amounts of soybean meal, thus minimizing the presence of natural phytoestrogens.

Envigo offers a variety of Traditional Teklad diets for the common laboratory animal species. These fixed formula diets are made from high quality ingredients. While traditional diets will supply the known nutrient needs of laboratory animals, we recommend that researchers consider the use of a diet from our Global Diet line. The traditional rodent diets were formulated decades ago based on understanding of rodent nutrition, ingredients, and diet manufacturing at the time. There was limited appreciation of the effects of non-nutrients, such as phytoestrogens, on experimental results. Alfalfa meal and soybean meal are the major sources of phytoestrogens in laboratory animal diets. These ingredients, particularly soybean meal, are found in most traditional rodent diets.

Fixed Formula diets are diets that are manufactured in accordance with a formula that remains unchanged from one production to the next. In conjunction with strict quality standards for raw materials, this approach ensures quality and consistency by minimizing nutrient variability and the variability of other phytochemicals in the diet which might affect a research study.

Certified diets are diets that have been tested for a standard panel of environmental contaminants that are known to be capable of interfering with a study. These diets help ensure that a study complies with the FDA’s Good Laboratory Practices regulations requiring periodic feed analysis. An Envigo certificate of analysis signed by a nutritionist is made available to the customer.

Our #1 goal is to provide quality and consistent products to our customers. This begins with ensuring that raw materials of only the highest consistency and quality are obtained. Raw materials are only obtained from approved suppliers who agree to meet our quality standards. Suppliers are audited on a regular basis and their products are tested for quality before being accepted into our facilities. Fixed formulas and established manufacturing procedures are in place for each product which ensure that the product is manufactured consistently with each production. In-process and final product testing is completed prior to distribution of the product to a customer. Envigo utilizes its own network of company owned and operated distribution centers throughout the US and Canada rather than use outside distributors.

There is no definitive point where one is able to predict when a specific diet will spoil or become deficient in one or more nutrients. The common guideline of a 6 month shelf life is based on longstanding practice in North America. In Europe and Asia, differences in local practices and regulatory oversight have led to Teklad standard natural ingredient diets being routinely used out to 9 months and sometimes 12 months post-manufacture. This practical experience, along with literature support and vitamin testing over time, gives us confidence that these diets continue to support animal health and study integrity out to at least 9 months post-manufacture. Please refer to your institution for guidance if you are unsure of local policies.

没有一个人能够预测当特定的饮食会破坏或缺乏一个或更多的营养。在常见的 6 个月的货架寿命是基于长期的实践中。在欧洲和亚洲 , 不同地方的做法和监管标准 , 导致 Teklad 饮食天然成分通常使用了 9 个月和 12 个月后有时制造。这种实践的经验 , 再加上文学和测试支持 , 让我们继续支持这些膳食研究动物的健康和完整性至少 9 个月后制造。请参考您的机构的指导 , 如果你不确定的地方政策。

Recommended storage conditions:

  • Cool and dry; at or below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, humidity below 50% ideal, but up to 65% is acceptable
  • Clean and free of pests
  • In original packaging or in a container that prevents continuous exposure to light and minimal exposure to air

建议贮藏条件 :

  • 冷却和干燥 ;在等于或低于 70 华氏度 , 湿度低于 50% , 但高达 65 % 是可接受的
  • 干净 , 没有害虫
  • 在原包装或容器 , 防止在连续的光暴露和最小暴露于空气中

Envigo offers irradiated diets, bedding, and enrichment items. Irradiation reduces the bioburden (number of organisms) contained by a product by exposing the product to gamma ionizing radiation from cobalt-60. Organisms exposed to gamma irradiation are damaged at the molecular level often with lethal effects. The net result is a decrease in the amount of viable microorganisms present in the product. Envigo irradiates all Teklad products at a minimum dose of 2.0 Mrad (20kGy) and a maximum of 5.0 Mrad (50 kGy).

Autoclaving destroys vitamins and amino acids that are supplemented in the diet. To compensate for this destruction, autoclavable diets contain an additional supplement of vitamins and supplemental amino acids. Autoclavable diets are packaged in perforated bags which allow steam from the autoclave to penetrate throughout the diet when the diet is autoclaved inside the bag.

Phytoestrogens are phytochemicals naturally produced by plants which interact with endogenous estrogens. They have some similarity in molecular structure compared to endogenous estrogens and bind to some extent with estrogen receptors. Phytoestrogens have been shown to affect mammalian physiology including cancer growth, atherosclerosis, calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and behavior. This is of concern to researchers because standard natural ingredient diets are often composed of ingredients which contain significant quantities of phytoestrogens. Soybean meal is an ingredient common to standard natural ingredient diets which contains a class of phytoestrogens called isoflavones. The two primary isoflavones are genistein and daidzein. Alfalfa meal is a second ingredient common to standard natural ingredient diets. It contains the phytoestrogen coumestrol.

Custom research diets


Custom research diets are made in small quantities and are generally not stocked. These diets are typically formulated for a specific type of research objective. These diets can consist of refined ingredients (purified diets), natural ingredients (grain and other ingredients found in standard diets), or utilize a standard diet as a base to which other ingredients are added. Any of these diet types can serve as the basis to add a customer supplied ingredient (test article, pharmaceutical, food extract, etc). We have approximately 20,000 diets in our database, so the formula you require may already have been created. We also utilize this database as a resource when formulating new diets. We will be pleased to provide you a complete formula sheet, containing the ingredients and inclusion rate, macronutrient values, key features, and planning and ordering information.

Purified diets use refined ingredients such as casein, sucrose, cornstarch, and cellulose. These human food grade ingredients have relatively simple chemical compositions (predominantly one nutrient classification) and this feature is important for manipulating individual nutrients for research purposes. Additionally, most refined ingredients contain very limited levels of non-nutrients that could have biological activity. This is in contrast to the natural ingredients (corn, wheat, soybean meal, etc.) used in standard diets, which have relatively complex chemical compositions as well as various phytochemicals that may or may not be physiologically relevant. Refined ingredients are obtained from reliable suppliers of human grade products, and we consistently obtain ingredients from the same vendors, year after year. Additionally, the major protein ingredients are assayed for a specific panel of nutrients to ensure minimal variation. Thus, purified diets will be repeatable and can easily be modified. Examples of common purified diets include AIN-76A (CA.170481), AIN-93G (TD.94045), and AIN-93M (TD.94048).

The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) (formerly American Institute of Nutrition, AIN) has promoted the use of nutritionally adequate purified diets for rodents, because many researchers may not be aware of potential nutritional variables. The AIN-76 formula was published in 1977, and became AIN-76A with minor revision (increased Vitamin K) in 1980. The diet has been used extensively, and there were several suggestions about improvements. This resulted in the publication of two formulas in 1993, AIN-93G (for growth, reproduction, and lactation) and AIN-93M (for maintenance). The article J. Nutr. 123: 1939-1951 (1993) discusses the rationale for the several revisions. Some of the changes include soybean oil rather than corn oil, the addition of other carbohydrate sources and lower sucrose, decreased phosphorus, cystine in place of methionine, inclusion of several trace mineral elements, and a few vitamin adjustments. The maintenance diet has less protein and fat.

Each formula is given a unique identification number and retains that identity among the thousands of formulas in our files. This assures the same formula will be used even years later. Upon production, a six or seven-digit “Rx” lot number is assigned that allows for traceability through all phases of diet production. These detailed production records are kept for every item produced. Quality-control samples are retained for nine months. Each lot of the major protein ingredients is analyzed for a number of nutrients to verify uniformity from lot to lot. Care is taken to retain reputable vendors for these refined ingredients.

Yes, we can help you in adding a test compound or ingredient to a diet. This is often a convenient approach to dosing research animals. When adding a compound to a diet, there are some important safety and stability considerations. Please see customer supplied ingredients for more specific information.

A phone call or an email exchange with one of our staff will augment the information that you gather from the web site or published literature, and you are more likely to receive a diet that best meets your particular needs. We are careful to maintain confidentiality, and will sign formal agreements if necessary. Please contact us at info@jinpanbio.com for consultation regarding your specific diet needs.

Advise us why the diet is needed, and for what animal species. Discuss the nutrients or ingredients of interest in as much detail as possible. Please avoid subjective descriptions such as “low, normal, and high” because these terms have different meanings to various researchers. Provide us with a copy of any existing formula to be duplicated or modified, and any journal article(s) upon which your research may be based. Let us know if the diet must be irradiated.

Our minimum order for custom research diets is 3 kg. This is particularly convenient when feeding small numbers of mice, especially for diet that contains your test compound. The minimum quantity for vitamin and mineral mixes is 500 g.

我们的饮食风俗研究最少是 3 公斤。这是特别方便的小数量喂养、饮食含有测试化合物。在最小量的维生素和矿物质混合料是 500 克。

Prices are dependent on formula details, ingredient composition, order quantity, and form (pellet or powder). If you know the product code, contact customer service at  info@jinpanbio.com. If you are unsure of the product code, have a new request, or require other technical information, contact a Nutritionist info@jinpanbio.com.

Standard packaging includes a small box (nine x nine x 11 inches) that will fit up to five kg, a medium box (ten x ten x 15 inches) that will fit up to ten kg, and a larger heavy-duty box (13 x 13 x 20 inches) with inset handles that holds up to 20 kg. Every container also includes a three-mil poly liner to keep your research diet as fresh as possible. Vacuum packaging and specific quantity packaging are also available at additional cost. Vacuum packaging will typically reduce the amount of diet fit into a box. Contact us at info@jinpanbio.com for more information.

Diets are custom made to fill each order. The typical lead-time between order and shipment is ten business days. The exceptions to this are TD.88137, TD.06414, and TD.01306 which for orders of 25 kg or less, are usually available within a week. If irradiation is required (add ten business days). We can often accommodate your rush production needs, for an additional fee. Contact us at info@jinpanbio.com for more details. Transit time depends on the type of delivery method used (regular ground, overnight, etc.). Weight and delivery method affect shipping costs, which are typically prepaid and added to the invoice.

There is no definitive point where one is able to predict when a specific diet will spoil or become deficient in one or more nutrients. Custom research diets are perishable and should be refrigerated at 4 degrees celsius (40 degrees fahrenheit) or lower (see Fullerton, et.al. J Nutr. 112:567-573, 1982). As a general guideline, diets can be stored this way for up to six months. Freezing a diet may slow reactive processes, but there is not sufficient information available to recommend feeding a diet past six months as a general guideline. Use of diets beyond the recommended use date will be subject to the protocols of your institution.

没有一个人能够预测当特定的饲料会破坏或缺乏一个或更多的营养。饲料习俗研究很容易腐烂并冷藏在 4 ℃ 或更低 (参见 Fullerton 等。J Nutr 。112 : 567 – 573 , 1982) 。作为一般性指导 , 可这种方法存放六个月之久。冷冻的食物可减慢反应过程 , 但是没有足够的信息可用以推荐的饮食喂养 6 个月。使用饲料建议的使用日期的协议。

Custom research diets vary significantly in their formulation. There may be certain features of a diet that merit a shorter shelf-life. To learn more about storage and use recommendations, and to help you asess if your diet has features that may warrant a shorter shelf-life we have put together a guide. If you have further questions about your diet, contact us at info@jinpanbio.com.

Barrier facilities or certain animal models require sterilized diet. Most custom research diets do not withstand autoclaving; however, we can arrange for qualified diets to be irradiated. The irradiation dose range is two to five MRad, or 20-50 kGy. Nominal fees and extra time are involved. Please contact us at info@jinpanbio.com for details about irradiation costs and additional lead-time.

A nutritionist can assist you in determining if a formula is suitable for irradiation. Irradiation will lead to selective vitamin loss, and it is our practice to increase the inclusion rate of certain vitamin mixes to help ensure that the final diet contains sufficient vitamins. Irradiated diets are double-bagged. Vacuum packaging may be helpful in reducing irradiation-induced peroxide formation in high fat diets.

Some diet formulas are fairly common or generic, and probably are not considered confidential by those who use them, especially when authors provide a product number. Formulas might be difficult to trace without a product number, and then must be discussed with a nutritionist. We will review each formula for history and confidentiality.

Provide us with at the very least a description, preferably the complete formula, and we’ll give you an assessment of our ability to make that formula.

There are limitations for pelleting diets. The level and type of fat, the carbohydrate composition, and the interaction of fat and carbohydrate will impact our ability to pellet a diet. Consult a nutritionist at info@jinpanbio.com for more information about specific formulas.

“Vitamin-Free” Test Casein is an alcohol-extracted casein prepared from regular casein, and typically has 90-91% protein (%N x 6.38), 0.1% fat, and four-six % moisture. The alcohol extraction reduces fat, fat soluble vitamins, and some of the B vitamins. This protein source is most appropriately used in vitamin deficient diets, and when researchers want to minimize “background fat” in a diet. We have prepared this specialty ingredient for many years, and continue to supply it to many labs. We will develop special pricing on request for large quantities. Advance notice is recommended for orders of 1,000 Kg or more. If you need this ingredient, consider Envigo as your preferred source.

Yes. Some of the same high-quality ingredients used to produce custom research diets can also be supplied to those who prepare their own diets. See diet ingredients for more information.

When citing Teklad diets, include a description, and a product number — standard grain based diets are typically four numbers while custom diets usually start with “TD” followed by five or six numbers. Use the following examples as a guide:

“Rats were maintained on minimal phytoestrogen diet 2016 Teklad Global 16% Protein Rodent Diet, Envigo, Madison, Wisconsin USA, www.amrescoinc.cn”

“Obesity was induced by feeding Teklad high fat diet TD.06414 with 60% of kcal from fat, primarily lard, Envigo, Madison, Wisconsin USA, www.amrescoinc.cn”

“Mice were fed Teklad vitamin D deficient diet TD.89123, Envigo, Madison Wisconsin USA, www.amrescoinc.cn

Each diet has a unique product number that will allow others to quickly and easily obtain information about the diet used in your studies by contacting info@jinpanbio.com

No. According to the NIH OACU Guidelines for Use of Non-Pharmaceutical-Grade Chemicals/Compounds in Laboratory Animals (2008), the vehicle used to facilitate administration of a compound is as important of a consideration as the active compound in the preparation. Diet as a vehicle, either whole or as the sum of its parts, would not meet the standard for pharmaceutical grade as defined by this document.

You may have been asked this question by your IACUC due to a passage in the 8thedition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (2011) stating that pharmaceutical-grade chemicals and other substances should be used, when available, for all animal-related procedures (page 31). In general, deviations from “Must” or “Should” statements within the Guide require justification and approval by your institutional IACUC.

Alternative dosing techniques (gavage, injection) can introduce stress from handling and increase the risk for potential injury. Stress can affect animal well-being as well as scientific parameters through modifications in behavior and physiology. Dosing via diet is an established method for delivering test compounds to animals that is non-invasive, reducing stress and potential injury from handling. Therefore, use of non-pharmaceutical grade compounds as a delivery method is justified, as it is advantageous for both animal welfare and experimental design.

Further reading:

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: 8th Edition (2011). National Research Council Committee for the Update of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Guidelines for the Use of Non-Pharmaceutical-Grade Chemicals/Compounds in Laboratory Animals. (2008). Animal Research Advisory Committee, Office of Animal Care and Use, NIH.

Laboratory routines cause animal stress. (2004). Balcombe, J.P., Barnard, N.D., and Sandusky, C. Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci 43, 42-51.

Harlan TD.95027低钙饲料(0.4%P)

Harlan TD.95027低钙饲料(0.4%P)


英文名称:Low Calcium Diet (0.4% P)

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Formula                                                                     g/Kg

Casein                                                                    200.0

Cystine                                                                     3.0

Sucrose                                                            342.188

Corn Starch                                                         320.0

Soybean Oil                                                          60.0

Cellulose                                                              40.0

Mineral Mix, Ca-P Deficient (79055)                    13.37

Potassium Phosphate, monobasic                     11.43

Vitamin Mix, Teklad (40060)                                10.0

Ethoxyquin, antioxidant                                       0.012

Key Features

+ Purified Diet

+ Calcium

+ Phosphorus

Key Planning Information

+ Products are made fresh to order

+Store product at 4°C or lower

+Use within 6 months (applicable to most diets)

+Box labeled with product name, manufacturing date, and lot number
+ Replace diet at minimum once per week More frequent replacement may be advised
+ Lead time:
· 2 weeks non-irradiated
· 4 weeks irradiated

上海金畔生物科技有限公司(www.jinpanbio.com)提供生命科学研究领域系列产品,包括生化试剂、色谱标准品和实验仪器耗材。主营Lumiprobe Cy系列活性荧光染料;修饰性PEG(Laysan bio、NANOCS、Avanti等进口品牌PEG以及定制合成修饰性聚乙二醇、单分散小分量PEG);Sigma、Amresco、TCI、MP bio生化试剂;WAKO日本和光纯药、日本关东化学Kanto试剂、日本三菱、日本柴田科学SIBATA;Megazyme食品分析检测试剂盒、日本共立理化学;Research diets、Harlan饲料、Bio-Serv、日本CLEA Japan品牌的动物饲料;Oxoid、Nissui日水、日本荣研、BD difco、Himedia品牌微生物培养基;免疫试剂包括:Bethyl抗体;Biolegend流式抗体、Abcam、CST、Santa Cruz抗体;Roche、TOYOBO、NEB品牌的酶;中检所、TRC、药典USP、EP、Reagecon标准品;耗材和仪器包括Whatman、日本Advantec滤膜、Millipore品牌的各种滤膜、滤器和柱子填料等、Hampton蛋白结晶试剂耗材、老鼠软管灌胃针、动物毛发记号笔、Labnet、Wheaton瓶子、Bio-Rad伯乐、康宁Corning、Axygen、Falcon 、Eppendorf、Nunc、Nalgene、Nest品牌的培养皿、培养板、离心机、离心管、移液枪及枪头等实验室常用仪器耗材。


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Email:  info@jinpanbio.com


Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic

Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Harlan 动脉粥样硬化(胆固醇、脂肪、胆酸盐) 饲料Atherogenic


Research use Key dietary features Examples
“Western” purified atherogenic diet
Accelerated hypercholesterolemia and plaque formation in genetically modified models such as Apoe and Ldlr deficient mice.

Used for diet induced obesity in a variety of rodent models.

High fat diet (20 – 23% by weight; 40 – 45% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >60% of total fatty acids)


Sucrose (34% by weight)

Cholesterol (0.2% total)

“Western” purified atherogenic diet with added cholesterol and cholate source*
Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) in primarily wild type mice and rats.

Will not promote obesity.

High fat diet (15 – 20% by weight; 34 – 45% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >55% of total fatty acids)

Milkfat/butterfat, cocoa butter

Sucrose (30-50% by weight)

Cholesterol (1 – 1.25%)

Cholate Source (0.5%)*

Hybrid high fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*
Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) in primarily wild type mice and rats.

Will not promote obesity.

Also used for lithogenic (gallstone) rodent studies.

75% rodent breeder diet; 25% purified ingredients

High fat (~15% by weight; 37% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >45% of total fatty acids)

Cholesterol (1.25%)

Cholate source (0.5%)*

Standard diets with added cholesterol
Induce hypercholesterolemia in genetically modified and wild type models without promoting obesity. Standard, grain-based rodent diet

Minimal/moderate phytoestrogen diets recommended

Cholesterol (1 – 4%)


*Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis. However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available.

*Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis.However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available.


研究用途 主要饮食特征 实例


  • 高脂饮食(按体重计算占20-23%;脂肪占40-45%)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的60%)
  • 乳脂/乳脂
  • 蔗糖(按重量计占34%)
  • 胆固醇(总数0.2%)


  • 高脂饮食(体重15-20%;脂肪34-45千卡)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的55%)
  • 乳脂/黄油、可可脂
  • 蔗糖(重量占30%-50%)
  • 胆固醇(1-1.25%)
  • 巧克力来源(0.5%)*



  • 75%的啮齿动物饲养员;25%的纯化成分
  • 高脂肪(体重约15%;脂肪37%千卡)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的45%)
  • 胆固醇(1.25%)
  • 巧克力源(0.5%)*
  • 标准的、以谷物为基础的啮齿动物饮食
  • 最小/中度植物雌激素饮食建议
  • 胆固醇(1-4%)


“Western” purified atherogenic diet

“Western” style diets are fed to genetically-modified cardiovascular models, such as Apoe and Ldlr deficient mice, to accelerate and enhance hypercholesterolemia and plaque formation and to elicit phenotypes commonly associated with metabolic syndrome.Within the atherogenic literature, a “Western” diet typically is described as a purified rodent diet with 20-23% milkfat/butterfat, 0.2% total cholesterol, and 34% sucrose by weight.TD.88137is an example of a “Western” style diet that was originally designed to characterize and enhance atherosclerosis development in a newly generated Apoe-deficient mouse model.Contact us for more information about “Western” style diets, modifications, or possible control diets.


TD.88137Adjusted calories diet (42% from fat, 0.2% total cholesterol)

TD.1088545% fat Kcal diet (0.2% total cholesterol)

Research use:

Accelerated hypercholesterolemia and plaque formation in genetically-modified models, such as Apoe and Ldlr deficient mice.

Used for diet-induced obesity in a variety of rodent models.

Key dietary features:

High Fat Diet (20-23% by weight; 40 – 45% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >60% of total fatty acids)


Sucrose (34% by weight)

Cholesterol (0.2% total)


1.Febbraio, M., et al., Targeted disruption of the class B scavenger receptor CD36 protects against atherosclerotic lesion development in mice.J Clin Invest, 2000.105(8): p.1049-56.

2.Huszar, D., et al., Increased LDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice with attenuated expression of scavenger receptor B1.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2000.20(4): p.1068-73.

3.Nakashima, Y., et al., ApoE-deficient mice develop lesions of all phases of atherosclerosis throughout the arterial tree.Arterioscler Thromb, 1994.14(1): p.133-40.

4.Nakashima, Y., et al., Upregulation of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 at atherosclerosis-prone sites on the endothelium in the ApoE-deficient mouse.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1998.18(5): p.842-51.

5.Plump, A.S., et al., Severe hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice created by homologous recombination in ES cells.Cell, 1992.71(2): p.343-53.

6.Towler, D.A., et al., Diet-induced diabetes activates an osteogenic gene regulatory program in the aortas of low density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice.J Biol Chem, 1998.273(46): p.30427-34.

7,Tsuchiya, K., et al., FoxOs integrate pleiotropic actions of insulin in vascular endothelium to protect mice from atherosclerosis.Cell Metab, 2012.15(3): p.372-81.

“Western” purified atherogenic diet with added cholesterol and cholate source*

Wild type mice and rats generally are resistant to atherosclerosis, requiring more extreme dietary manipulation to modify lipoprotein profiles and develop mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks).Modern formulations are made completely of purified ingredients because this more refined approach has been reported to decrease the incidence of gallstones and liver damage associated with less refined and more traditional dietary approaches.To induce mild atherosclerosis in wild type animals, the “Western” purified diet can be modified to increase cholesterol (1-1.25%) and add a bile salt such as sodium cholate or cholic acid.Contact us for more information, modifications, or possible control diets.

Examples of purified high fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*:

TD.0202821% milkfat (1.25% cholesterol, 0.5% cholic acid)

TD.0923715% milkfat diet (1% cholesterol, 0.5% sodium cholate)

Examples of purified high fat diets with added cholesterol (without cholate source):

TD.9612121% milkfat (1.25% cholesterol)

Research Use:

Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) primarily in wild type mice and rats.

Will not promote obesity.

Key dietary features:

High fat diet (15-20% by weight; 34 – 45% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >55% of total fatty acids)

Milkfat/butterfat, cocoa butter

Sucrose (30-50% by weight)

Cholesterol (1 – 1.25%)

Cholate source (0.5%)*


1.Bernal, C., et al., Lipid biomarkers and metabolic effects of lycopene from tomato juice on liver of rats with induced hepatic steatosis.J Nutr Biochem, 2013.24(11): p.1870-81.

2.Gao, Q., et al., Atherogenic diets exacerbate colitis in mice deficient in glutathione peroxidase.Inflamm Bowel Dis, 2010.16(12): p.2043-54.

3.Lichtman, A.H., et al., Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor-deficient mice fed defined semipurified diets with and without cholate.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1999.19(8): p.1938-44.

4.Marcondes, M.C., et al., Effects of chronic mental stress and atherogenic diet on the immune inflammatory environment in mouse aorta.Brain Behav Immun, 2011.25(8): p.1649-57.

5.Nishina, P.M., et al., Effects of dietary fats from animal and plant sources on diet-induced fatty streak lesions in C57BL/6J mice.J Lipid Res, 1993.34(8): p.1413-22.

6.Nishina, P.M., et al., Atherosclerosis and plasma and liver lipids in nine inbred strains of mice.Lipids, 1993.28(7): p.599-605.

7.Yue, P., et al., Enhanced hepatic apoA-I secretion and peripheral efflux of cholesterol and phospholipid in CD36 null mice.PLoS One, 2010.5(3): p.e9906.

8.Nishina, P.M., J. Verstuyft, and B. Paigen, Synthetic low and high fat diets for the study of atherosclerosis in the mouse.J Lipid Res, 1990.31(5): p.859-69.

*Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis.However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available.SeeTD.96121for a purified diet andTD.94059for a hybrid diet.Contact us for additional options.

Hybrid high fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*

Beverly Paigen and colleagues first characterized atherosclerosis development in C57BL/6 mice by feeding a hybrid atherogenic diet.The hybrid diet was created by mixing a natural ingredient mouse diet in a 3:1 ratio with a concentrated purified diet (containing 5% cholesterol and 2% sodium cholate; referred to as Thomas-Hartroft diet).The resulting mixture recreated inTD.88051/TD.90221(same formula) contains ~15.8% fat, 1.25% cholesterol, and 0.5% sodium cholate.This group later compared the hybrid atherogenic diet approach to the more modern “western” purified atherogenic diet with added cholesterol and cholate and found that the hybrid atherogenic diet induced more gallstones and liver damage.Hybrid diets contain a variety of unrefined ingredients that may modify lipid metabolism and atherogenesis and do not allow for precise control of ingredients and nutrients for the study of chronic diseases.Although more refined diets have been developed, hybrid atherogenic diets are still popular for inducing mild atherosclerosis and gallstones in wild type mice and rats.Contact us for more information, modifications, or possible control diets.

Examples of hybrid high-fat diets with added cholesterol and cholate source*:

TD.88051andTD.90221(same formula) are Teklad product codes for hybrid atherogenic diets

Example of hybrid high-fat diet with added cholesterol (without cholate source):


Research Use:

Induce hypercholesterolemia and mild atherosclerosis (foam cells, fatty streaks) primarily in wild type mice and rats.

Will not promote obesity.

Also used for lithogenic (gallstone) rodent studies.

Key dietary features:

75% rodent breeder diet; 25% purified ingredients

High fat (~15% by weight; 37% kcal from fat)

Saturated fatty acids (SFA >45% of total fatty acids)

Cholesterol (1.25%)

Cholate source (0.5%)*


1.Nishina, P.M., J. Verstuyft, and B. Paigen, Synthetic low and high fat diets for the study of atherosclerosis in the mouse.J Lipid Res, 1990.31(5): p.859-69.

2.Clee, S.M., et al., Plasma and vessel wall lipoprotein lipase have different roles in atherosclerosis.J Lipid Res, 2000.41(4): p.521-31.

3.George, J., et al., Enhanced fatty streak formation in C57BL/6J mice by immunization with heat shock protein-65.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1999.19(3): p.505-10.

4.Miyake, J.H., et al., Transgenic expression of cholesterol-7-alpha-hydroxylase prevents atherosclerosis in C57BL/6J mice.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2002.22(1): p.121-6.

5.Paigen, B., et al., Quantitative assessment of atherosclerotic lesions in mice.Atherosclerosis, 1987.68(3): p.231-40.

6.Schreyer, S.A., D.L. Wilson, and R.C. LeBoeuf, C57BL/6 mice fed high fat diets as models for diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis, 1998.136(1): p.17-24.

7.Vergnes, L., et al., Cholesterol and cholate components of an atherogenic diet induce distinct stages of hepatic inflammatory gene expression.J Biol Chem, 2003.278(44): p.42774-84.

*Sodium cholate or cholic acid aid cholesterol and fat absorption and reduce cholesterol disposal via bile acid synthesis.However, if including a cholate source is not desired for your research, diets without cholate are available.SeeTD.96121for a purified diet andTD.94059for a hybrid diet.Contact us for additional options.

Standard diets with added cholesterol

Standard, natural ingredient diets with cholesterol added are fed to induce hypercholesterolemia.Various levels of cholesterol, fat, and/or bile salts can be added to one of the numerous standard rodent diets stocked by Envigo Teklad.For many applications, adding these components to Envigo’s minimal-to-moderate phytoestrogen global rodent diets is recommended.Our minimal phytoestrogen global rodent diets are soybean meal free, limiting the effect of phytoestrogens on your research outcomes.Soybean meal, a common dietary source of phytoestrogens, has been shown to decrease aortic fatty streak development and modify plasma cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.Limiting dietary soybean meal may reduce confounding variables within your dietary-induced atherosclerosis model.Contact a nutritionist to discuss additional diet options.

Examples of minimal and moderate phytoestrogen rodent diets with added cholesterol:

TD.1200971% cholesterol diet (2020 – minimal phytoestrogens)

TD.078412% cholesterol diet (2016 – minimal phytoestrogens)

TD.013832% cholesterol (2018 – Moderate phytoestrogens)

Research use:

Induce hypercholesterolemia in genetically-modified and wild type models without promoting obesity.

Key dietary features:

Standard, grain-based rodent diet

Minimal/moderate phytoestrogen diets recommended

Cholesterol (1 – 4%)


1.Belch, J.J., et al., Longitudinal assessment of endothelial function in the microvasculature of mice in-vivo.Microvasc Res, 2013.85: p.86-92.

2.Hartvigsen, K., et al., A diet-induced hypercholesterolemic murine model to study atherogenesis without obesity and metabolic syndrome.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2007.27(4): p.878-85.

Diets for additional animal models of atherosclerosis

Rabbits, hamsters, and swine are common models of atherosclerosis.Contact a nutritionist for information and formula examples.Seerabbit, swine and other speciesfor information and formula examples.




  • TD.88137调整卡路里饮食(42%来自脂肪,0.2%总胆固醇)
  • TD.1088545%脂肪KCAL饮食(总胆固醇0.2%)





  • 高脂肪饮食(按体重计算占20-23%;脂肪占40-45%)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的60%)
  • 乳脂/乳脂
  • 蔗糖(按重量计占34%)
  • 胆固醇(总数0.2%)



  • TD.0202821%乳脂(1.25%胆固醇,0.5%胆酸)
  • TD.0923715%乳脂饮食(1%胆固醇,0.5%胆酸钠)


  • TD.9612121%乳脂(1.25%胆固醇)





  • 高脂饮食(体重15-20%;脂肪34-45千卡)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的55%)
  • 乳脂/黄油、可可脂
  • 蔗糖(重量占30%-50%)
  • 胆固醇(1-1.25%)
  • 巧克力源(0.5%)*




  • TD.88051和TD.90221(相同的配方)是特克拉德混合动脉粥样硬化饮食的产品代码。


  • TD.94059






  • 75%的啮齿动物饲养员;25%的纯化成分
  • 高脂肪(体重约15%;脂肪37%千卡)
  • 饱和脂肪酸(SFA>总脂肪酸的45%)
  • 胆固醇(1.25%)
  • 巧克力源(0.5%)*




  • TD.120097  1%胆固醇饮食(2020年-最小植物雌激素)
  • TD.07841  2%胆固醇饮食(2016年-最小植物雌激素)
  • TD.01383  2%胆固醇(2018年-中度植物雌激素)




  • 标准的、以谷物为基础的啮齿动物饮食
  • 最小/中度植物雌激素饮食建议
  • 胆固醇(1-4%)


Harlan 维生素调整饲料 Vitamin adjusted diets

Harlan 维生素调整饲料 Vitamin adjusted diets

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



A few vitamin adjusted formulas are shown below. Please contact us for additional formulas of this nature or for more information about altering the vitamin profile of a diet, and please read below to learn more.

Formula Examples:

TD.86143 Vitamin A deficient diet

TD.89123 Vitamin D deficient diet

TD.88163 Vitamin E deficient diet

TD.95247 Folic acid deficient diet

Most vitamin deficient diets use vitamin-free test casein (VFT casein) as the protein source. VFT casein is casein that has been extracted with denatured alcohol to reduce the fat content from about 1% to 0.1%. In the process the content of a number of vitamins (present at low or trace levels in casein) is further reduced, making this an ideal protein source for these types of diets. Envigo produces our own VFT in-house, and we also offer this as an ingredient for those mixing their own diets.

From this vitamin deficient base, various levels of vitamins can be added back. Many formulas adjust multiple vitamins, and other nutrients.

If use of an intact protein source is not advisable, an amino acid defined diet can be used.










上海金畔生物科技有限公司(www.jinpanbio.com)提供生命科学研究领域系列产品,包括生化试剂、色谱标准品和实验仪器耗材。主营Lumiprobe Cy系列活性荧光染料;修饰性PEG(Laysan bio、NANOCS、Avanti等进口品牌PEG以及定制合成修饰性聚乙二醇、单分散小分量PEG);Sigma、Amresco、TCI、MP bio生化试剂;WAKO日本和光纯药、日本关东化学Kanto试剂、日本三菱、日本柴田科学SIBATA;Megazyme食品分析检测试剂盒、日本共立理化学;Research diets、Harlan饲料、Bio-Serv、日本CLEA Japan品牌的动物饲料;Oxoid、Nissui日水、日本荣研、BD difco、Himedia品牌微生物培养基;免疫试剂包括:Bethyl抗体;Biolegend流式抗体、Abcam、CST、Santa Cruz抗体;Roche、TOYOBO、NEB品牌的酶;中检所、TRC、药典USP、EP、Reagecon标准品;耗材和仪器包括Whatman、日本Advantec滤膜、Millipore品牌的各种滤膜、滤器和柱子填料等、Hampton蛋白结晶试剂耗材、老鼠软管灌胃针、动物毛发记号笔、Labnet、Wheaton瓶子、Bio-Rad伯乐、康宁Corning、Axygen、Falcon 、Eppendorf、Nunc、Nalgene、Nest品牌的培养皿、培养板、离心机、离心管、移液枪及枪头等实验室常用仪器耗材。


服务热线:18301939375   QQ:3258089810    3259632176

Email:  info@jinpanbio.com


Harlan矿物质调节饲料Mineral adjusted diets

Harlan矿物质调节饲料Mineral adjusted diets

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Mineral adjusted diets

A few mineral adjusted formulas are shown below. Please contact us for additional formulas of this nature or for more information about altering the mineral profile of a diet. Read below for more information.

Formula examples:

TD.80396      Iron deficient diet

TD.85419      Zinc deficient diet

TD.88239      Potassium deficient diet

TD.95027      Low calcium diet (0.4% P)

TD.96348      Diet (20% lactose, 2% Ca, 1.25% P)

TD.92163      Selenium deficient diet

TD.95125      Iodine deficient (0.15% PTU)

Unique protein ingredients may be necessary to minimize background levels of certain minerals. Other steps taken to minimize background mineral contamination include the use of reagent grade minerals when necessary or omission of certain ingredients. Specialized mineral premixes may be used in these diets, or minerals are added individually to the diet in order to control the level of specific minerals.

With the exception of sodium, it is necessary to use refined ingredients to achieve the lowest possible levels of minerals in a diet.

From this mineral deficient base, various levels of minerals can be added back. Some formulas adjust multiple minerals, and other related nutrients.

Contact us to discuss other possibilities for the minerals listed above, and for those minerals not listed here.













上海金畔生物科技有限公司(www.jinpanbio.com)提供生命科学研究领域系列产品,包括生化试剂、色谱标准品和实验仪器耗材。主营Lumiprobe Cy系列活性荧光染料;修饰性PEG(Laysan bio、NANOCS、Avanti等进口品牌PEG以及定制合成修饰性聚乙二醇、单分散小分量PEG);Sigma、Amresco、TCI、MP bio生化试剂;WAKO日本和光纯药、日本关东化学Kanto试剂、日本三菱、日本柴田科学SIBATA;Megazyme食品分析检测试剂盒、日本共立理化学;Research diets、Harlan饲料、Bio-Serv、日本CLEA Japan品牌的动物饲料;Oxoid、Nissui日水、日本荣研、BD difco、Himedia品牌微生物培养基;免疫试剂包括:Bethyl抗体;Biolegend流式抗体、Abcam、CST、Santa Cruz抗体;Roche、TOYOBO、NEB品牌的酶;中检所、TRC、药典USP、EP、Reagecon标准品;耗材和仪器包括Whatman、日本Advantec滤膜、Millipore品牌的各种滤膜、滤器和柱子填料等、Hampton蛋白结晶试剂耗材、老鼠软管灌胃针、动物毛发记号笔、Labnet、Wheaton瓶子、Bio-Rad伯乐、康宁Corning、Axygen、Falcon 、Eppendorf、Nunc、Nalgene、Nest品牌的培养皿、培养板、离心机、离心管、移液枪及枪头等实验室常用仪器耗材。


服务热线:18301939375   QQ:3258089810    3259632176

Email:  info@jinpanbio.com


Harlan teklad 碳水化合物调节饲料Carbohydrate adjusted

Harlan teklad 碳水化合物调节饲料Carbohydrate adjusted

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Harlan teklad 碳水化合物调节饲料Carbohydrate adjusted

Carbohydrate adjusted

A few carbohydrate adjusted formulas are shown below. Please contact us for additional formulas of this nature or for more information about altering the carbohydrate profile of a diet.

Formula examples:

TD.89247      60% Fructose diet

TD.86489      Diet with adjusted sucrose/cornstarch

TD.96348      Diet (20% lactose, 2% Ca, 1.25% P)

TD.98090      70% Carbohydrate diet

TD.96355      Ketogenic diet (almost no carbohydrate)

Carbohydrates often make up the majority (by weight and % kcal) of custom research diets, with the exception of higher fat diets. Commonly used carbohydrate sources include sucrose, cornstarch and maltodextrin. Other sources include fructose, dextrose (glucose), dextrin, and lactose. Maltodextrin is enzymatically derived from cornstarch to have shorter glucose polymers and is helpful in pelleting high fat diets and in diets where cornstarch exceeds sucrose.

Sucrose is a part of most formulas, often making up 10% of the diet or more. This likely adds to the palatability of the diet. The carbohydrate profile of a diet can be manipulated, although some mixtures may not pellet. There are also diets with very little carbohydrate, thus containing high amounts of fat and/or protein.

Cellulose (fiber) is part of many formulas and while not required by rodents, is considered beneficial. It can also be used to make formulas with differing macronutrient profiles isocaloric.











上海金畔生物科技有限公司(www.jinpanbio.com)提供生命科学研究领域系列产品,包括生化试剂、色谱标准品和实验仪器耗材。主营Lumiprobe Cy系列活性荧光染料;修饰性PEG(Laysan bio、NANOCS、Avanti等进口品牌PEG以及定制合成修饰性聚乙二醇、单分散小分量PEG);Sigma、Amresco、TCI、MP bio生化试剂;WAKO日本和光纯药、日本关东化学Kanto试剂、日本三菱、日本柴田科学SIBATA;Megazyme食品分析检测试剂盒、日本共立理化学;Research diets、Harlan饲料、Bio-Serv、日本CLEA Japan品牌的动物饲料;Oxoid、Nissui日水、日本荣研、BD difco、Himedia品牌微生物培养基;免疫试剂包括:Bethyl抗体;Biolegend流式抗体、Abcam、CST、Santa Cruz抗体;Roche、TOYOBO、NEB品牌的酶;中检所、TRC、药典USP、EP、Reagecon标准品;耗材和仪器包括Whatman、日本Advantec滤膜、Millipore品牌的各种滤膜、滤器和柱子填料等、Hampton蛋白结晶试剂耗材、老鼠软管灌胃针、动物毛发记号笔、Labnet、Wheaton瓶子、Bio-Rad伯乐、康宁Corning、Axygen、Falcon 、Eppendorf、Nunc、Nalgene、Nest品牌的培养皿、培养板、离心机、离心管、移液枪及枪头等实验室常用仪器耗材。


服务热线:18301939375   QQ:3258089810    3259632176

Email:  info@jinpanbio.com


Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类

Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Teklad diet, bedding and enrichment + Teklad laboratory animal diets + Custom research diets

Custom diets are developed for a specific purpose and benefit from your input and our expertise

Determining the most appropriate diet for your research model can be challenging, but we are here to help. With more than 20,000 unique formulas in our database attained over 40 years, Envigo nutritionists have vast experience to draw upon. To meet the progressive demands of science and to serve you better, we continually add to our database as we acquire new knowledge.

Common uses for custom diets include:

Control Nutrients

Vitamin or mineral adjusted

Protein or amino acid adjusted

Lipid or fatty acid adjusted

Induce Disease

Atherogenic (cholesterol, fat, cholate)

Diet-induced obesity (40-60% kcal from fat)

High carbohydrate (fructose, sucrose)

NaCl adjusted

Cuprizone demyelination

Dose Animals

Control gene expression – doxycycline or tamoxifen containing diets

Addition of customer-supplied ingredients/compounds

You can select from the wide variety of existing diets, or one designed specifically for your purposes. Either way, we encourage you to contact us for complimentary consultation with our nutritionists.

A small number of representative custom research diet formulas are found on our website. If you are unable to find a product code or formula description cited in a publication, or one used previously by your lab or others, contact us.


















Harlan teklad品牌饲料分类

实验动物饲料 Teklad laboratory animal diets
标准天然成分饮食 Standard natural ingredient diets
定制研究饮食 Custom research diets
AIN饮食配方 AIN diet formulas
动脉粥样硬化 Atherogenic
饮食诱导肥胖 Diet induced obesity
脂肪/脂调节 Fat/lipid adjusted
碳水化合物调节 Carbohydrate adjusted
蛋白质调节饮食 Protein adjusted diets
维生素调整饮食 Vitamin adjusted diets
矿物调节饮食 Mineral adjusted diets
盐调节(天然成分) NaCl adjusted (natural ingredient)
氨基酸定义 Amino acid defined
多西环素饮食 Doxycycline diets
他莫昔芬饮食 Tamoxifen diets
客户供应的配料 Customer supplied ingredients
基混合体 Basal mixes
异黄酮调节 Isoflavone adjusted
兔子、猪和其他物种 Rabbit, swine and other species
饮食成分 Diet ingredients
药物饮食 Medicated diets

Harlan TD.09682 高酯饲料 42% Fat Calories Diet (Western, Blue)说明书

Harlan TD.09682 高酯饲料 42% Fat Calories Diet (Western, Blue)说明书



英文名称:42% Fat Calories Diet (Western, Blue)

Harlan Teklad动物饲料



Harlan TD.09682 高酯饲料 42% Fat Calories Diet (Western, Blue)说明书

Formula                            g/Kg

Casein                                195.0

DL-Methionine                       3.0

Sucrose                              341.46

Corn Starch                          150.0

Anhydrous Milkfat                      210.0

Cholesterol                            1.5

Cellulose                              49.85

Mineral Mix, AIN-76 (170915)            35.0

Calcium Carbonate                     4.0 +

Vitamin Mix, Teklad (40060)              10.0

Ethoxyquin,                            0.04

Blue Food Color                        0.15

Key Features

+ Purified Diet

+ Atherogenic

+ Modification of TD.88137

+ Color Coded

Key Planning Information

+ Products are made fresh to order

+Store product at 4°C or lower

+Use within 6 months (applicable to most diets)

+ Box labeled with product name, manufacturing date, and lot number

+ Replace diet at minimum once per week  More frequent replacement may be advised

+ Lead time:

  • 2 weeks non-irradiated
  • 4 weeks irradiated


Modification of TD.88137 to add blue coloring.

Product Specific Information

+ 1/2″ Pellet or Powder (crumbly)
+ Minimum order 3 Kg
+ Irradiation available upon request

+ Vacuum packaging (1 and 2 Kg)

Harlan肥胖模型高酯饲料 Diet induced obesity

Harlan肥胖模型高酯饲料 Diet induced obesity

Harlan Teklad动物饲料




Diet induced obesity


Purified high fat diets used to induce obesity and obesity-related complications such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome typically have 40-60% of energy derived from fat. The diet tables below summarize relevant diet features for several Teklad custom research diets commonly used in rodent models.

Teklad also creates high-fat diets for other species, including pigs, primates, and dogs. Contact us to discuss the use of these diets or one that better meets your needs.

Commonly-used diet-induced obesity (DIO) Teklad rodent diets with 55-60% of calories from fat
Diet features TD.06414 stocked TD.93075 dough TD.07011 pellet
Kcal/g 5.1 4.8
Fat, % Kcal 60 55
Fat Sources,
% by weight
31% lard
3% soybean oil
27.4% vegetable shortening
1.6% corn oil
Fatty acid profile,
% total fat
37% saturated
47% monounsaturated
16% polyunsaturated
28% saturated, 30% trans
28% monounsaturated (cis)
14% polyunsaturated (cis)
% by weight
12.1 9.6
Notes 60F10S poster data
Compare to D12492
Trans fat
Example modifications TD.08500 coconut oil
TD.09766 milk fat
Ingredient matched,
low fat control diets*
TD.06416 (35% sucrose)
TD.08806 (11% sucrose)
TD.93074 (21% sucrose)
TD.120651 (7% sucrose)
References Mouse

*Control diets can be designed in several ways, depending on what features the researcher wants to modify relative to the high-fat diet. These are just a few examples.

Commonly-used diet-induced obesity (DIO) Teklad rodent diets with 40-45% of calories from fat
Diet features TD.06415 TD.08811 TD.88137 stocked TD.95217
Kcal/g 4.6 4.7 4.5 4.3
Fat, % Kcal 45 45 42 40
Fat sources,
% by weight
19.5% lard
3% soybean oil
21% milk fat
2% soybean oil
21% milk fat 10.6% vegetable shortening
4% milk fat
4% soybean oil
Fatty acid profile,
% total fat
36% saturated
46% monounsaturated
18% polyunsaturated
61% saturated
31% monounsaturated
8% polyunsaturated
62% saturated
27% monounsaturated
5% polyunsaturated
34% saturated, 18% trans
29% monounsaturated (cis)
19% polyunsaturated (cis)
% by weight
22.8 36.8 34.5 15.8
Notes Compare to D12451 45F30S poster data “Western Diet”
Cholesterol added
Trans fat
Example modifications TD.110716 milk fat
TD.10670 no dye
TD.130784 lard
TD.120438 no dye
TD.07201 lard
TD.00573 h-coconut oil, no cholesterol
TD.09682 blue dye
TD.07734 green dye
Ingredient matched,
low fat control diets*
TD.06416 (35% sucrose)
TD.110675 (18% sucrose)
TD.120455 (6% sucrose, resistant starch)
TD.120724 (14% sucrose)
TD.05230 (34% sucrose)
TD.08485 (12% sucrose)
TD.06101 (6% sucrose)
References Mouse




饮食特征 TD.06414 备好 TD.93075 面团 TD.07011 球团
千卡/克 5.1 4.8
脂肪,%千卡 60 55
12.1 9.6
注记 60F10S海报数据
与D 12492比较
示例修改 TD.08500椰子油



饮食特征 TD.06415 TD.08811 TD.88137 备好 TD.95217
千卡/克 4.6 4.7 4.5 4.3
脂肪,%千卡 45 45 42 40
21%乳脂 10.6%蔬菜酥油
22.8 36.8 34.5 15.8
注记 与D 12451比较 45F30S海报数据 “西餐”
示例修改 TD.110716乳脂




Diets for diet-induced obesity (DIO)
Diets with 55-60% of calories from fat like TD.06414 and TD.93075 are commonly used for inducing obesity in rodents. While considered extreme compared to typical human fat consumption, these diets are effective in initiating rapid weight gain in most rodents. With higher fat content there is less room for carbohydrate, thus the carbohydrate (particularly sucrose) amount is relatively low compared to other obesity inducing diets. If you are interested in high fat and high carbohydrate, look at diets with 40-45% of calories from fat (often referred to as western diets).

As the fat level increases, pellet quality (durability) is often compromised. Some higher fat formulas are available only in non-pelleted form or require specific carbohydrate, maltodextrin, for pelleting. Depending on the fat and carbohydrate sources used, the non-pelleted form could be dense and crumbly, dough-like, or paste-like. Though a little more challenging to work with, non-pelleted diet is still used by many researchers for diet-induced obesity models as these researchers suspect the softer form may enhance obesity development.

Diets with 40-45% of calories from fat, like TD.95217, TD.88137, TD.06415, and TD.08811, represent another popular diet pattern for diet-induced obesity work. These diets have double or triple the amount of sucrose found in higher fat diets. High levels of simple carbohydrate like sucrose and fructose may help to promote hypertriglyceridemia, insulin resistance, and fatty liver. Diets with a pattern of high sucrose and high saturated or trans fat are often referred to as “Western Diets” in obesity and cardiovascular fields. Some “Western Diets” have further modifications to the fatty acid profile or even specific vitamin and minerals adjustments to be even more closely matched to a Western Diet pattern. For specific fatty acid modifications, see examples on our fat/lipid adjusted diets page.

Diets for diet-induced diabetes
Many of the same diets used for inducing obesity in rodents can be used to enhance diabetes related phenotypes like insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. However, fasting hyperglycemia characteristic of diabetes (glucose > 200 mg/dL) is uncommon with a diet only approach. Pre-feeding a high fat diet to induce a certain level of obesity and insulin resistance and then giving low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) may be an effective approach if overt hyperglycemia is desired.

Ingredient matched, low-fat DIO control diets
There are many options with different levels and types of fat in addition to different types of carbohydrate ranging from sucrose (highly refined, simple digestion) to corn starch (refined, but more complex) to resistant starch (refined, but not fully digestible). A very basic purified control diet would be AIN-93M (TD.94048) or AIN-93G (TD.94045). AIN-93 diets have a moderate amount of sucrose at ~10%, and fat is from soybean oil with a healthy fatty acid profile. Additional examples of controls for specific DIO diets can be found in the above tables.

Many researchers choose to compare their high fat fed animals to animals fed a natural ingredient, grain-based diet (also referred to as standard diets or chow). These diets differ in the source and level of nutrients as well as in the presence of non-nutritive factors (such as phytates or phytoestrogens). Depending on what your main comparisons are, it may be suitable to have a grain-based diet as your control/reference group. However, making such comparisons limits inferences to dietary patterns versus a specific dietary component.