Lucigen | LGC代理,NxSeq Single Indexing Kits,部分现货

NxSeq Single Indexing Kits

Illumina-compatible single indexing kits optimised for use with the NxSeq Ultralow DNA Library Kit.

Product Details

Each NxSeq Single Indexing Kit contains a Universal Adaptor and (12) different Primer Indexing Mixes with enough Universal Adaptor for 48 libraries and enough of each Primer Indexing Mix for 4 library amplification reactions (48 total reactions for all primer sets). Set A contains Primer Indexing Mixes 1-12 and Set B contains Primer Indexing Mixes 13-16, 18-23, 25, and 27. Each NxSeq Single Index equals the TruSeq® LT Index with the same number.

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Lucigen | LGC, Biosearch Technologies主要开发各类用于基因克隆的试剂盒及相关产品,包括:CloneSmart®平端克隆试剂盒、BigEasy®线性克隆系统、pEZSeq™平端克隆试剂盒、聚合酶及E.cloni®感受态细胞及蛋白表达系统等。

Lucigen公司凭借其独到的产品技术,过硬的产品质量,良好的产品服务赢得了全球广大用户的信赖。此外,Lucigen还是全球科学家青睐的Epicentre品牌产品的供应商。在2018年,Lucigen被LGC收购,从而加强了其在基因组市场的试剂供应。Lucigen的产品和服务已经覆盖了临床诊断、药物开发、合成生物学和基因编辑等多个领域。更多产品信息欢迎访问Lucigen | LGC, Biosearch Technologies官网。